Funding Acknowledgements

Hinode Taiko gratefully acknowledges funding awarded in 2021 from the following:


The Winnipeg Foundation connects donors from all walks of life with local charitable organizations that help our city flourish, for all. The Foundation is an endowment-based organization which means gifts received are pooled and invested. The income generated provides a stable source of support for our community For Good. Forever.

The Foundation makes community grants to charitable organizations in support of the following Cause areas: Arts, Culture & Heritage, Children, Youth & Families, Environment & Animal Welfare, Health, Wellness & Recreation, Literacy, Education & Employment. In 2020, it distributed $73 million to the community.

Established in 1921, The Winnipeg Foundation is Canada’s first community foundation. Today, it is a leader in what has become an international philanthropic movement.



JCAM is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Manitoba Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre, organizing community, cultural and educational activities through a volunteer board and the organization’s membership.

JCAM undertakes projects that include all segments of the Japanese Canadian community, as well as reaching out to other Canadians. JCAM organizes activities, programs, and services in both the English and Japanese language in order to educate and inform  the general community about Japanese and Japanese Canadian art, music, culture, heritage and history, while also operating the Japanese Language School and the Japanese Public Schools Program (Japan PSP) a cultural program at the Centre for Manitoba’s elementary school students. JCAM hosts the Japanese Pavilion at Folklorama, and administers the Community Fund. The Centre maintains a library of Japanese books, DVD’s and other educational materials.


Hinode Taiko is grateful to be among the 166 arts and cultural organizations recently awarded grants through the Manitoba government’s Arts and Cultural Sustainability Fund. Administered by the Manitoba Arts Council, these funds are intended to help arts and cultural organizations and artists recover from the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to supporting operating costs, Hinode Taiko will use these funds to help establish new directions in creating and distributing our work and in instructing, and for professional development. For more information:

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