Click here for a biography on Hinode Taiko’s Artistic Director, Yuko Nozoe.
35th Anniversary Performers (2017)
Hinode Taiko – Performing Members (2017)
(left to right) Jim Fedorowich, Giselle Villegas, Allison Bate, Adrian Pecold, Kevin Utsunomiya, Peggy Emmond, Saki Higuchi, (missing from this picture) Kelly Duke
Genki Daiko (2017)
(left to right top row) Elizabeth Ready, Lana Rogers, Daidre Hase-Damm, Jo-Anne Wuziuk, (left to right bottom row) Jim Coleman, Yuko Nozoe, (missing from this picture) Asako Yoshida, Jim Houston, May Ip
Alumni of Hinode Taiko who participated in the HT 35th Anniversary Performance (2017)
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